What pictures did turtles take?
Where did the mouse go?
To the mouse-um!
Why do orphans have to be homeschooled?
Because they can't be home schooled.
Time for you to stop looking at jokes on and go to bed!
When you die, scientists will preserve your skull.
Why does Aaron have no friends? Because his spine is weird and he is fat.
Your forehead is so big, Mr. Clean thought he would hire you!
What is 8 divided by 2?
Answer: 3 (you cut 8 in half).
Your hairline is as nonexistent as your dad.
What’s yellow and can’t swim?
A bus full of children.
You know how on Snapchat "hmu" means hit me up? A school posted "smu." Nikolas Cruz responded.
I lent my calculator to a friend. He is using it to this day.
Penis when sussy; bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bud buh dum boo dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum bfrhgtjkg buygubukbjkuhkbjub. AMOGUS (sus).
Why don’t rappers play hide and seek?
Because good rappers always stand out!
What’s the best part of raping an 11 year old girl?
Killing the little bitch after you’ve finished with her.
JFK and Abraham Lincoln were terrible presidents, its like their heads were empty
I once went up to a orphan and they were crying and I asked where there parents are and they started crying more
Sexy hot girls with two booooobs. I should say I wanna suck them.
Knock knock. Who is there? Poo. Poo who? Hey, I need ta go poooooooooooop!