What are Russia's favorite netball positions?
Goal Shooter and Wing Attack.
Obesity kills thousands of times more Americans than shooting does, which teaches us an important lesson:
Shooters do poorly given the size of their targets.
When you're in the middle of a test and you hear gun shots.
What a school shooter favorites song
Pumped up kicks
What’s the worst thing about being suicidal?
The school shooter will always spare you.
What do Priests and School shooters have in common?
They both blast little kids in the face.
There will be no school shooter joke today in honor of the 10 people killed in the Colorado grocery store shooting. R.I.P.
Who wants me to bring back the daily School Shooter Jokes?
What do you call a white kid at the back of class?
A school shooter.
True fact: School shooters aren’t dangerous to you if you're the school shooter.