
Sadness Jokes

As an honest Penaldo fan I have to admit he is a penalty merchant. He can only score against farmer teams like Spezia. He never shows up against great teams like Barcelona. I've come to realize my hero Penaldo will never be better than Messi. My idol Penaldo is sadly finished.

I asked a girl I met if I could take her out to dinner The joke is I new right after she said I'll call you She was lying to me, not surprised even a little The next joke was a part of me hoped she would call , but did I really think she was going to, I'll never be good enough for anyone, what was I thinking, why did I even bother to ask her in the first place, I think it was just to prove I was right , I'm unwanted LONELINESS EQUALS SADNESS

There was an Indian riding in the desert when he saw a little blond-haired white girl up ahead. He heard her crying. So he went up to her and climbed down from his horse and asked her "Hey what’s going on ? Why you cry ? Where are your parents ? What happened ?". The girl said under a crying sad voice "The bandidos came, killed my father, my brothers then my mother and raped my sister." The Indian just laughed, untied and dropped his breech cloth then said “Guess this isn’t your day is it”


10 years ago my dad said i should eat cereal with water until he comes back with the milk... i still eat cereal with water sadly

How sad and pathetic is it that all you wait for after you finish a suicidal joke it for people to like your joke ,but you know you'll just be a failure at that as well,

I've sadly received a rejection letter from NASA. Strangely, it says there's no space on their training programme.

I would tell a joke but I’m sad my dad died in 9/11 he’s the greatest pilot that went down with the twin towers