
Sadness Jokes

Vegan teacher the musical Miss Kadie - oh no you poor dead animal Mr. Beast- 🎶 your a dumb Communist Miss Kadie🎶 Chandler-🎵 yup your one high fluting son of a gun🎵 Mr. Beast- 🎵 I just gobbled up a quadruple patty from my restaurant🎵 Miss Kadie - 🎵 don’t hurt animals kids, do you want to be a vegans R us kid🎵 kids- 🎵 we’ve had enough of your problems miss Kadie your such a commie Miss Kadie - 🎵 I just want to die because I’m so sad - Miss Kadie jumps off Mr. Beast Burger and comits sucide

A little girl said one day, "Grandma's gonna die tonight!" The next morning, the girl's grandmother's body was found.

That day she said again, "Grandpa's gonna die tonight!" Sure enough, the girl's grandfather died and his body was discovered the next morning.

That day she said, "Daddy's gonna die tonight." The girl's father was terrified. He lay shaking the entire night. Somehow, he survived until morning. His wife came into the room crying. He asked her why she was upset and she said that the postman had died last night.

Bo - hey kids I am so sad that you won’t exercise and give me Bo power so I am just going to be a orphan *kids changing the channel to Annie* Annie- Tomorrow tomorrow only a day away * TV changing the channel back to Bo On The Go Dezzy- WAAAAAAAAAA I can’t find Bo

poop i eat it for dinner i eat it at night yet it never comes out of me? how is that possibul?


If someone is mean to an orphan just say, "I will call your mum," and make them cry even more.

Fake emo: when I’m sad i cut myself Real emo: same fake emo: another piece of cake

I once saw an orphan... Decided to ask them a simple question... "Hey! Where is your family?"...... They didn't reply.... I kept asking them.... They started crying.... I started laughing.... They ran away.....