Roses are red, Violets are blue, Little Johnny is smokin' hard, The sun looks like Mountain Dew.
Roses are red violets are fine you can be the sic and I can be the nine
Roses are red, the sky is blue, what do you do, oh never mind I'm not homo like you
Roses are red violets are blue, like my hole uncle bill is making me full, better run here he comes.
Roses are red and violets are blue, my best friend is Sue, and she's is blue too.
(meaning sad)
Roses are red violets are blue cause comes near my Willy
Roses are red, grass is greener. When I think of you, I play with my wiener
Roses are red, violets are blue, fortnite is dead and so are you.
Roses are red voilents are blue when I take out the Trash I remember you
Roses are red my toaster too, oh shit I've burnt the house down what do now do I screw.