Adolf Nigler
What's the difference between a white woman and a tornado siren?
The tornado siren doesn't get raped.
What do you call it when someone fucks shoe inserts?
Roses are red, flowers are pretty, I heard your mom has a nice pair of tittys.
Violets are blue, roses are red. Last night your mom was giving me head.
How many Kardashians does it take to screw in a light-bulb?
One really small one and one really small black guy.
Your mom's been giving me attitude lately so I told her to shut her mouth. When she did it caused me to lose 4 inches.
Why did the terrorist masturbate and smoke weed on the plane?
He was told to high-jack it.
Why can't fat kids play poker?
They eat all the chips.
What do you call it when a bunch a guys who look the same have an orgy?
A doppelgang-bang.
What do you call Dr. Disrespect on top of a building?
Diddler on the Roof.
They're making a new Alien movie.
There are so many Aliens you cant keep track.