Rape victims suck, literally.
When is a rape victim right?
When she admits she lied.
My wife said if I rape her again, she would leave me. Why didn't anyone tell me it was that easy?
Woman: Doctor, doctor, I've been raped.
Doctor: Sex is good for you!
What did the blonde say when I told a rape joke?
"Can you show me what rape is?"
What did the woman say when I told a rape joke?
I don't get it
The amount of women judging me for raping a poor lady is terrible. You weren't there. You don't know!
Did you hear about the boy who got raped by a group of women in the park whilst jogging? Now there are lots of male joggers in the area.
Surprise sex is the best thing to wake up to.
Unless you are in prison.
What flavour ice cream do rape victims enjoy?
Cock flavour
What did the rape victim give to her rapist?
What kind of rape victim has a shower ten times a day?
The type that gets raped a lot.
Where do rape victims live?
In kennels
Why did the rape victim cross the road?
Because she was a chicken🐔
Why did the fat rape victim cross the road?
To block traffic
What happened to the woman who dated a rapist?
She was date raped.
How do you know if a rapist loves you?
He will rape you many times.
I don’t like the term rape, I prefer: struggle snuggle
What do you call a nut that screws and then bolts?
An escapee from a mental hospital.
I'm gonna stop telling rape jokes...
They just seem so forced.