Put Jokes

why are people mad at me? all i did was the truth, and put the bible in the fiction section of the library.

Y'all are so rude on here- If you don't like what I put on MY profile you can click your rude ass off of my profile and look at some other fucking jokes. DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING RUDE TO SAY ABOUT ME!!

How do you get 50 hungry kids into a box. You put a can of beans in there.

how do you get 50 hungry kids out of a box. you run pass with a can opener.

Where did Sally go after the gunshot ? 6 feet under

*that is how deep they put the coffin...*

Bank owner:if you want to start a bank account, I need ur name. Guy:Robin Bank owner: ur last name? Guy:Debank Bank owner: Robin Debank? Guy: put your hands up and give me all the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A guy goes to the store to buy thyme. When he got back to put the thyme away he relized he still had thyme left. This was all for nothing it was just a big waste of your thyme.

One day at school, Little Johnny and his friends were asked to do a sheet of paper which said, “Put a matching word from the word bank into the slot in the sentence that makes it make sense.” But when the teacher marked Little Johnny's papers, she asked why he put the word bank in every slot. And he says, “Well teacher, you said to put a word from the word Bank and that's one word! So I had no choice but to put down that word!”

i went for a job interview today and the manager said, "We're looking for someone who is responsible."

"Well, I'm your man." I replied, "In my last job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I was responsible."

the way u talk is so slow that the put u in the movie fast and furious and changed the title to slow and serious!!!😂😂😭

So uh I did this thing where I put soap on my brother's toothbrush and then I put more on and colored it to make it look like toothpaste and uh, he is constipated now I AM EVIL :3

What do you do when you see a lady in a wheelchair? You grab a stick and put it through the wheelchair and call her nunchucks

Did you know the giraffe’s hooves are the size of dinner plates? Too bad they would have nothing to put on them!

I made a joke about putting babies in the microwave and got told I was a disgusting person. So from now on I’ll only make baby in the deep fryer jokes.