So i was walking
One hat told another hat to stay behind, and he will go on a-head.
What do you call Anne born in May? A maybee
What is a wasp called... A wanabee
what do you call a old snowman answer water
- What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato? A dick tater.
my pal ased me why no body wants to eat the spaghetti he make in his restaurent welp,because it's impastable
Are you a banana...
because I find you a-peeling
have you ever heard of Jane Doe? well, her husband's name is Dill, so I guess that makes him a dildo!!!
I play Fortnite, but also I play Minecraft for 14 nights
I'm sorry, none of my jokes are very punny
Why do ducks have feathers?
To cover their butt quacks.
Have you heard the latest pun about pizza?
Never mind. It’s too cheesy. 🍕🧀
How does cows say oof? They say MOOf
Why didn't the butcher cut the fillet?
Because it was a misteak
If you don't stop the pun, soon it won't be so fun.
You wanna know why I hate circles so much? They’re just so pointless! But I guess that’s how they roll.
The date is April 1st Somebody asks you what’s you are doing “I guess you could say I’m... fooling around ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)“
One night my brother asked me," Am I a pro gamer?", I say," No you're not a Pro-grammer
There were 32 cows TWENTY-EIGHT Chickens HOW ANY WHERE THERE? There were 32 cows twenty ate chickens how many were there