
Prostitution Jokes

Why would a Italian heterosexual male do for $100.00 if he was a prostitute that a polish american male would only do for a klondike bar if he was a prostitute? suck a big cock.

How does a prostitute that has blond hair and polish and a gay white male kill erectile dysfunction for his clients he performs fellatio on them

One day whilst walking up a hill, Jack saw a prostitute named Jill. Jill was dressed in kinky, leather gear that made Jack really really horny. Jack who hadn't stuck it in for a few weeks was keen to ask this sexy young maiden how much she would charge. "1 buck for a suck, 2 buck for a fuck" she said as she stroked his ever hardening one-eyed snake. "Yeah, i'll have both of them" said Jack who was about to cum in his trousers. So Jill led Jack to behind the well, and they sucked and fucked for an hour. After that they both contracted AIDS, and died of it as they did not see a doctor. THE END


How do you know if a woman that is poor who is between 18 - 24 years old is poor enough to do anything for money to help pay her bills she would be working as a lesbian prostitute inside a lesbian hotel in San Francisco, CA

The Drunk and a priest

On a bus, a priest sat next to a drunk who was struggling to read a newspaper.

Suddenly, with a slurred voice, the drunk asked the priest:

"Do you know what arthritis is?"

The parish priest soon thought of taking the opportunity to lecture the drunk and replied:

"It's a disease caused by sinful and unruly life: excess, consumption of alcohol, drugs, marijuana, crack, and certainly lost women, prostitutes, promiscuity, sex, binges and other things I dare not say."

The drunk widened his eyes, shut up and continued reading the newspaper.

A little later the priest, thinking that he had been too hard on the drunk, tried to soften:

"How long have you had arthritis?"

"I don't have arthritis! It says here in the paper that the Pope has it."

alright so i have a few orphan jokes im gonna put them all in one message.

why cant orphans be gay? they have no one to call daddy.

why cant orphans go on a field trip? parent signiture:______

new teacher: i used to be an orphan as a kid students:hahaha teacher: is anyone missing? students:no one just your parents

why did the orphan become a prostitute? they kept calling everyone daddy

why do orphans have the iphonex because it has no home button

What is it that a🤔 😳 👀 😕 a physicality handicapped ♿ male prostitute can do on his own very well without getting any help from his male friends that are gay like himself perform fellatio on a 👨 👨 👬 gay man

What does a 🎣 🎣 👨 👨 man 👨 and a gay prostitute have in common with a physicality handicapped ♿ bisexual man 👨 all three of them are very good at 👌 😊 ☺ 😀 👍 sucking your dick