
President Jokes

Hey any riding with biden fans out their? I ran out of gas and could really use a ride so of one of ya'll can call me and pick me up that be great and I can't get gas because I only have 20 bucks which is like 1-5 an a half help me please

Where did JFK go in his car? I am not sure of his intentional destination but he did go everywhere

hello my fellow canadians I mean ameicans I your cool and hip president has decied to give everyone free ice cream! even the russans to go out to your local ice cream shop and make sure to leave your kids at home!

A plane is going to crash there are four passengers and only three parachutes. all the staff are safe and are gone, leaving the passengers. Ryan Reynolds is the first he says, my fans need me and jumps, Donald trump takes another and says I am the smartest president, jumps, leaving one. There is a pope and a boy left. The pope says child, my life is over and yours has just begun, take the last parachute. The boy replies don't worry - Donald took my backpack.

I was in Russia at a stand up comedy performance about someone making fun of Putin but the jokes were awful. The execution was nice though

I, for one, give President Joe Biden my full support, and anything else he can find in my previously rented gym locker. 🤣

Dude- Hey dude guess who I am Viewers- Dora Trump- No I am President Trump Viewers- Why are you wearing Dora’s clothes and backpack Trump- today we are going to build a wall Viewers- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Why is Donald Trump under so much stress. Because he signed up to be on an album where somebody says no love for the rich on it.

What do you call the United States of America under a Joe Biden presidency? Answer: The Democratic People’s Socialist States of America. We're still America, just a different kind of America. And that’s no joke. 😔