What's the best part of not wearing a condom when I'm with my girlfriend? My mom went through menopause.
What does a abortion joke and a fetus have in common... The joke never gets old and nether does the kid.
How can you tell that a woman cannot fit through a vent because she got pregnant from a baby elephant? Ain't no telling who's in better shape, the elephant or the woman. I guess it's probably Weight Watchers.
what's better than having unprotected sex? getting an abortion.
If you wait for a woman to get 9 months pregnant and kill her, you will never be able to stop the loop.
I was about to make a baby joke but then decided to abort
Wife: I will leave you if you call me fat again. Husband: Wait dear.. Don’t do it for the sake of our kid! Wife: Kid? Husband: Yeah, aren’t you pregnant?
What day are twins born the most Toos-day
What did Lucy say when she saw her sonogram? Looks like a Rerun.
abortion is not a murder is just canceling you pre order
Joe's pizzeria and abortion clinic. Yesterday's loss is today's sauce.
What is 6" long, bright red and your wife cries when you feed it to her?
Her miscarriage.
if babies stay in their mothers for 9 months, are they not 9 months old when they are born.
what is more time consuming than children? waiting for your'e wife to go into labor!
when your wife gets pregnet and you dont want a kid just come on down to momma mias pizzareia and abortion clinic!
My mother was suffering from menstrual pain. So I fucked her for 7 hours to ease her pain. I continued to do so for the next 6 days. Even after fucking her 51 times during her 7-day period, I fucked her 5-6 times a day for the next three months and stopped her period for 9 months! Only her son can understand and ease the pain of a mother.
Q: Name a murderer?
Aborted fetus: My mum.
My gf told me she was pregnant. So I punched her in the stomach.
She asked me "Why the hell did you do that?!?!?" "I wanted to let you know I'm pro abortion."
What’s the difference between a fetus and a jar of pickles?
The pickles aren’t as tasty in a jar.
How do you know if a black lady’s pregnant?
You put a banana up her vagina and see if any little monkeys come and get it.