
Plane Jokes

There were two twins and they were both very tall. The next thing they know they were on the floor and there were planes up their asses

I heard some twin brothers were going as buildings to the school costume contest so i went as a plane, it didn't fly to well with people.


I thought opening a door for a lady was good manners, but she just screamed and flew out of the plane.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandpa, not screaming in terror like all the passengers on the plane he was flying.

A plane is going to crash there are four passengers and only three parachutes. all the staff are safe and are gone, leaving the passengers. Ryan Reynolds is the first he says, my fans need me and jumps, Donald trump takes another and says I am the smartest president, jumps, leaving one. There is a pope and a boy left. The pope says child, my life is over and yours has just begun, take the last parachute. The boy replies don't worry - Donald took my backpack.

This is a plane 2 for 1 combo to never exist.

But, it's like a plane pizza.

Nothing happens, but it terrorizes me.