What do you call fake spaghetti?
An impasta.
What do you call fake spaghetti?
An impasta.
COVID-19 is like pasta.
Asians invented it, Italians spread it.
My Italian chef friend died last week: He pasta away
I'm actually against abortion.
Just go to the car wash and tell 'em you ate too much red pasta!
My mom was telling me about different pastas. So many pastabilities.
Michael Jackson went into an Italian restaurant and died because he choked on 9-year-old meatballs.
What do you call fake spaghetti? An im-pasta.
Why does Michael Jackson like Chef Boyardee? He likes the little balls.
Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a pony. He opened up a pasta shop and made some macaroni.
Chicken on a stick with a macaroni tick.
Roberto : Judd, your DNA looks like the infinite symbol. Judd : Roberto, your DNA looks like a pasta noodle.
*Breaking News!* - Apparently the first person in Melbourne has died because of the Coronavirus. In his house they found 1000 cans of food, 50 kilos of pasta, 80 kilos of rice, 300 toilet rolls and 50L of hand sanitiser which he had panic purchased from the supermarket and stock piled "just in case".
The whole lot collapsed and buried him.
What do you call pasta that’s made by a skeleton? A CREEPYpasta! (It’s my first one, lol)
Here's a list of puns, not all of them are mine.
1. Smaller babies may be delivered by stork, but the heavier ones need a crane.
2. Yesterday, I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I’m okay, but I feel like I’ve dyed a little inside.
3. My sister bet that I couldn’t build a car out of spaghetti. You should’ve seen her face when I drove pasta.
4. Getting the ability to fly would be so uplifting.
5. Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, “What’s your favorite kind of music?” The other says, “I’m a big metal fan.”
6. Why was the cookie sad? Because his mom was a wafer long!
7. Why didn’t the cat go to the vet? He was feline fine!
8. How do you make a good egg-roll? You push it down a hill!
9. That baseball player was such a bad sport. He stole third base and then just went home!
10. My parents said I can’t drink coffee anymore. Or else they’ll ground me!