
Orphanage Jokes

Why do orphans only have 362 days of the year? ... bc they don’t have Mother’s Day Father’s Day or thanksgiving

Kids when they meet kid out of home alone be like: “at least your mom came back”

An orphanage is like a horse rescue. Your rescue them, rehabilitate them, then sell them for as much as possible.

i saw a kid on the side of the rode covered in rags and asked if he was a orphan he said what gave me away i said your parents

Why do the orphans love going to the bakery down the street so much? - Because there cookies are homemade

Father: I’m taking your toys to the orphanage. Child: But why? Father: So you won’t be bored. You’re going to need them there.

How do you make a orphan's hands bleed?

You tell them to clap till they're parents come home

if your ever down one day just go to the orphanage and bully a orphan because what is he going to do about it he has no parents.

I asked a kid at my work where his parents were. He started crying. Man, I don't know what I did. I'll ask another kid at the orphanage.

My disabled friend rolled into a burning orphanage and saved lots of kids when he came out the kids tried to play with him because his wheels were on fire , they called him hot wheels

My son came up to me and said “mom, where are your parents?” I stared in confusion i said “in a far place.” He asked “In and orphanage?”