If you're bored punch a orphan. What are they going to do? Tell their parents?
What do an open champagne bottle and an orphan have in common? They both lost their pop.
What is the difference between a dog pound and an orphanage? In a dog pound, people actually want them.
why does an orphan hate the ending of Finding Nemo
Nemo goes back to his father
My friend's dad went to jail. He's just surprised because he can finally find him.
im adopted :[
why was the orphan so sucsessful? when the options were either go big or go home, he only had one option :(
Welcome to Dave’s orphanage. You make it, we take it.
why are orphans not that good at baseball? they can never hit a homerun.
What happens when the orphan at school gets sent home?
What's a joke that an orphan has never heard before?
A dad joke.
What’s an orphan’s favorite movie character?
Harry Potter.
Your mum your dad the things you never had.
My favorite place to make a bonfire? Orphanages of course, silly!
pov when the orphan kid goes to cherch and thay hav to swer on something the kid i swere on my...frends oh wait i dont have any
Why didn't the orphan go to orphanage? He didn't understand having a home, even if it was temporary.
How did the orphan operate the phone? He didn't. He didn't understand the home page.
Why did the orphan go to church? To hear some "foster" Parenting advice.
How to make an orphan die
Tell then to yell until their folks come home.
Why do orphans suck at web design? They don’t know what a home page is.