Why are most absent dads mechanics
They like to nut and bolt
Why are most absent dads mechanics
They like to nut and bolt
Does a migit count as a orphan?
why can't orphans walk through door because they don't have a house to walk into
Why can’t orphans play baseball they ant got got no home to run to Why can’t England people play chess they ant got no queen
What do Orphans say on Father's day?
Well not happy father's day
I asked my dad to come to my Father’s Day breakfast,
The orphanage worker just said “ don’t be silly”
RAPE 9/11 ABORTION ORPHAN MURDER DEAD KILL DRUGS what makes all these categories so familiar? either you've experienced them, or made them up in your backstory.
An orphan comes up to me and says your ugly I said you remind me of SpiderMan SpiderMan no way home.
My boss found my permanent record at the orphanage and he’s mad. I got fired...
RAPE 9/11 ABORTION ORPHAN MURDER DEAD KILL DRUGS am I funny now? Because this is what you brainlets find funny.
Why is E.T. better than an orphan?
Because he found his way home.
What's the difference between Vin Diesel and an orphan Vin Diesel has family