These orphan jokes are getting old. I mean seriously haven't you got something better to tell
What weighs 70 pounds and doesn't like sex?
The 6 year old in the trunk of my car.
17 year old pregnant Juanita flew all the way to NY from TX to get an abortion. Initially she was denied the procedure because she wasn't COVID boosted, but after she explained the father was religious and wanted to be involved they quickly resolved the threat.
yo mama so old she got nostalgia for the big bang
yo mama so old she witnessed noah building the ark
Call this for a gay old time xxx 0275535101
A 10 year old girl meets with her doctor. The doctor tells her “Katie, I’m sorry to have to tell you that your parents didn’t survive the accident. Sadly, our tests also show that you have early onset Alzheimer’s disease.” Katie replies “well at least my parents will look after me”
Yo mama is so old she is the founder of the pyramid of Egypt.
Yo mama so old I bet she was born when Dinosaurs was made and also she killed them with they breath😭😭
old ladies are non existent
Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Because he Neverlands. (This joke is good because it never gets old)
When a 68 year old teacher says: I am going to tackle an intruder if i have to!
Me: Oh hell nah
Did you hear they think Michael Jackson died from food poisoning, he ate 12 year old nuts and a 13 year old wiener
Q. What do filicide jokes and filicide victims have in common? A. They never get old.
What do Mc Donald’s and Priests have in common
They both shove there meat in to 10 year old buns
Yo mama is so short, Minions look down at her. Yo mama is so fat that she volunteered for the hunger games cuz she thought it was a eating competition. Yo mama is so ugly when santa claus saw her. He yelled "Ho Ho Holy Sh*t" Yo mama is so old, when she walked into an antique store, they didnt let her leave Yo mama is so stupid she sold her car for gas money.
God damn it. Fuck christianity I fucking 30 years old and still a virgin. THAT'S A JOKE GOD DAMMIT!!
Guy asked me what I do for a living. Now I'm not old enough to get a job so I said nothing. He asked me again so I said, "Your wife" The guy goes to slap me but his wife is standing right there. She instead slapped me and said, "You swore not to tell!"
what is something that smells yuck 🤮 old bus sits
Worst jokes ever? more like a killed an old man in 2012 in Oklahoma City at that nasty red lobster not the one near thr freeway and hid the body in a creek