
Offensive Jokes

(Note: this joke is not one of the worst jokes ever bc is obscene or offensive, it’s just a bad joke) Why can’t u hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because their dead

Me: *posts random joke about a duck*

That one guy in the comment section for no reason: Shut the f*uck up you dumb b*tch you are a piece of sh*t you...

That other guy in the comment section: that’s actually offensive to ducks

Bro it’s a joke....

Who's better hitler or Jesus? Hitler: Jesus made bread for 1000 were as Hitler made meat for 10,000😅😅😅😅 (no offense) (To circumcised people)

Americans when they think they have the best offensive British jokes: we threw your tea in the ocean. 💀

British people making offensive jokes about America: our towers didn’t explode.😎

Why do people come on here just to say that we should not be making these jokes they literally look this shit up just to complain

A man is consoling his nine year old daughter after she had been sexually assaulted,

"You need to be more careful" he said as he wrapped his arm around her, "this time it was me, next time it could be a total stranger."