I was always told as a kid that I have to pick between being a programmer and an English teacher. They said: you can't be a pro-grammer nazi.
Why is the Nazi Anthem banned in Germany? Because Horst Wessel Lied.
Say what you want about Hitler, he wasn't all that bad. After all, he killed Hitler.
Why did Hitlers girlfriend break up with him, he Hit-ler
how does Hitler tie his shoes? into little Nazi's
What first went through sally's mind when the Nazis came? - a bullet
What was the Nazi racing tournament in 1943?
What's the difference between cancer and a Nazi? Cancer doesn't discriminate.
what had more brains than Hitler? The wall behind him
Kid: I'm hungry Dad Bot: hi hungry, I'm dad Teenager: I'm t l e r did nothing wrong Dad Bot: hi t l e r did nothing wrong, I'm dad Nazi: finally
Why did Hitler get hit by a baseball?
Because he did nazi it coming!
Why didn't Hitler's girlfriend like giving him a blowjob? It left a Nazi taste in her mouth...
Who's hitlers best friend? naz me
A man tried to shoot Adolf Hitler but missed. Then Adolf replied, "Oh shoot, I did nazi that coming!"
why did sally fall off the swing? because she had no arms ~ knock knock who's there? not sally ~ what first went through sally's head when the nazis came? a bullet ~ where did sally go when the bomb exploded? everywhere ~ what did sally get for christmas? a bike
Who does Adolph Hitler call in a emergency? Nein-Nein-Nein
How do Germans tie their shoes ? Answer: In Nazis !
What did the Nazi order from wendys? Two number NEINS
Why was Hitler bad at math?
He could only count to nein.