What type of car did hitler drive? A gas-guzzler.
What is hitlers favorite letter.... Not-Z
The Nazis.
Why does Hitler need glasses?
Because he could Nazi
Bro I love hanging out with white people, its either we play Yahtzee Or We Playin Nazi
I would like to say Hitler gave two fucks about his people.
But quite Anne frankly, I'd be lying.
Say what you want about Hitler at least he got the trains to run on time
you know why hitler wouldn’t drink whisky? because it made him angry.
Why can't Hitler join track?
Because he can't even finish a race.
What do you call a German man who can't see?
A not see.
What the Nazi say when a doll hit his daughter?
A-doll Hit-her!
What is Hitlers favorite book. Hitler and the chamber of secrets
I own a gun with Nazi rounds and shot a guy who broke into my house. He said “did you just shoot me with a Nazi round?” and I replied “do you mean Nein millimeter?”
my great grandpa killed hitler
What do you call a nazi that can’t see?
A nozi
Hitler amazing he dead but still alive because he did nazi death coming it never happend
What did the German Shepherd dog say to Hitler?
Mein Fuhrer ist steickenbleiben in meinen zahnen.
why are nazis so good at soccer?
Because they're so good at shooting
I'm so proud of my Grandpa. He killed Hitler himself.
What did Hitler said to Stan after he died. I did nazi that coming