
Miss Jokes

A big hefty porker left his balls exposed and said "Misses!! Come here and step upon mine balls please!!! I pay top dollar for this extreme delight! She pippity popped his balls like there was no tomorrow And he said "yuh yuh ay ay crush these nuts nuts"

Vegan teacher the musical Miss Kadie - oh no you poor dead animal Mr. Beast- 🎶 your a dumb Communist Miss Kadie🎶 Chandler-🎵 yup your one high fluting son of a gun🎵 Mr. Beast- 🎵 I just gobbled up a quadruple patty from my restaurant🎵 Miss Kadie - 🎵 don’t hurt animals kids, do you want to be a vegans R us kid🎵 kids- 🎵 we’ve had enough of your problems miss Kadie your such a commie Miss Kadie - 🎵 I just want to die because I’m so sad - Miss Kadie jumps off Mr. Beast Burger and comits sucide

Parents; Lets have a bonfire Me; Lets go to the orphanage parents;to bring other children? Me; No to have the fire parents; wont they be missed? Me; No because there is nobody to miss them

One morning peppy and George came downstairs for Breckfast but they got a plate of juicy bacon there dad had recently gone missing so they ate it quite sadly the next morning they went to school and asked their teacher what is bacon made out of the teacher replied “pigs why?”peppa and George looked horrified

i was driving a car and a fat person was crossing the street, when I swerved my car to miss her, I ran out of gas.

How do you break an orphans wall in their room in the orphanage? Tell them to put a tally on the wall with a pen for every second their parents are missing.

Teacher:Anyone missing Orphan:My parents Teacher: Something that is real kid Orphan:My family Teacher:OMG out of my classroom kid

One day, little Johnny was playing with his toys and looked out the window. He saw the neighbor's kid laying face-first in the grass. Not breathing. Little Johnny continued to shoot his nerf gun at the neighbor's big booty cheeks. No movement at all. After little johnny went to get a snack, he looked out the window again and the kid was gone. Little Johnny went to the neighbors and said, "I'm sorry to hear that your child has gone missing."

The teacher once said to some students ̈i was an orphan before your principle hired me. ̈ the students said ̈oof that is sad ̈ the teacher tried to ignore them and take attendance she said ̈is anyone missing ̈ the students said ̈your parents. ̈ the teacher got offended and later that day quit her job

I left Twitter for a while and when I tried to log back in I found out I was suspended. I realized it was a penalty for saying some prohibited words on Twitter. Sadly my idol Pristiano Penaldo took the penalty for me and he missed, and now I'm on my alt, shame on you Penaldo!

Ok I'm so sorry ALYA, and Drew I didn't mean to say that you guys were stupid and cringy. I missed typed can you guys forgive me by any chance? I'm so sorry :(