your so poor you stink like poo poo in your doo doo
Your mum is so poor, she can't afford free samples.
Lesbians and blind women wear the same clothes.
Hey! Some idiot drew a cat on this pillar! Wait.. does that make it a caterpillar?
What did Saskia say to Brandon?
Saskia: "Can you rape me like you did Sydney?"
whats small has no dad and looks like bugs bunny
ben after he trips over the giant curb
Who do you call someone that steals his brother's girlfriend and [is] disowned by his whole family? Brandon.
whats small stupid and has no dad
what has 2 legs 2 arms and a abusive father
What is the butt’s favorite computer?
The Tushiba.
When that one night stand says she has Aids butyou laugh "I choose D!" She says...wait what?? I have all of the above! XD
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were out on a hike. They had been going all day, so they decided to make camp and stay for the night. They both woke up at 3 A.M.
Holmes said, "Look up, Watson, what can you see?"
"Judging from the position of the stars, it looks like it's about 3 A.M."
"What else, Watson?"
"It looks like it will be a beautiful day tomorrow."
"What Else, Watson?"
"What am I supposed to see, Holmes?"
"Elementary my dear Watson, someone stole our tent!"
Opponents fist attacks your face, no you can not activate a trap card.
why do Asians don’t wear contacts.... CAUSE THEY CANT FITT
by Roni Cung
Yo mama's so stupid, she had a staring contest with a mirror.
Why did the Duck go to rehab?
Because he was a Quackhead.
Q: What’s the difference between me and you?
A: I’m not wasting my time reading this joke.
Q:What black, white and Asian? A: A Panda...
Yo mama is so slow when she stepped on the HI way they had to order a crane to come move her from starting traffic
What happens when you have a kid with Tourette's and a hair trigger?
The Las Vegas shooting.