The Missing Tent

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were out on a hike. They had been going all day, so they decided to make camp and stay for the night. They both woke up at 3 A.M.

Holmes said, "Look up, Watson, what can you see?"

"Judging from the position of the stars, it looks like it's about 3 A.M."

"What else, Watson?"

"It looks like it will be a beautiful day tomorrow."

"What Else, Watson?"

"What am I supposed to see, Holmes?"

"Elementary my dear Watson, someone stole our tent!"



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. Holmes and Watson go camping. Holmes asks Watson what he sees in the night sky. Watson gives all these smart-sounding answers about the stars and the weather. But Holmes isn't impressed because the obvious thing is that someone stole their tent. Get it? It's funny because Watson is usually sharp, but this time he's as dense as a brick. Now go back to drooling.

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