Why did the sperm cross the road?
To Fuck the Chicken
Why did the sperm cross the road?
To Fuck the Chicken
What do Chinese people order: noodles in bed with some fried cat?
Me and my friends were telling puns my teacher said we sould be “pun”ished
Yo mama like a penny: two-faced, worthless, and in everybody’s pants.
how can you light up a candle in a ship which does not contain any instrument and you are alone with just a packet of candles? ans:just throw one candle in sea the boat will become lighter
Miss Stephen likes sex like she likes kids. On a desk in pure isolation.
Miss Stephen likes kids like she likes wine: 15 years and in isolation.
Why did Miss Stephen get divorced? She didn't float, too.
I hate people who get offended here, like seriously, it's called dark humor for a reason.
Oliver Savagê
Where do you go when a food dies? A fooderal
I'm really bad at giving directions, but don't take that the wrong way.