What’s white and crunchy and swings through trees? A meringue-atang
everyone dislike this
How did Steven Hawkins die? He lost internet connection
What do you get when you cross an eagle with a lion?
A griffin.
I once auditioned to be in Sausage Party. I thought I filled the role well.
I once did an exam on rainbows. I passed with flying colors.
Person: guess what?
Other person: what?
Person: Chicken Butt
Apex Legends: exists.
Titanfall fandom: (Literally on fire and at war with itself) "Everything is fine."
Whats the difference between a black person and a white person
Black people dont shoot up schools
Why don't they put petals on wheelchairs so when our arms get tired, we just use our legs?
This is a lot like anal sex.
You always miss 100% of the shots if you don't take it.
Im ded inside
do you like fish sticks
if you do you're a gay fish
credits: janson jones
Some people decide to start a blog. Others decide to start a blog. You know what my sink started? A clog.
Why did the plane crash in the ocean? Because the pilot saw steward Undercut!
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BOOMERANG AND MY DAD only the boomerang came back its been 14 years wheres my dad
What's a similarity between blondes and a vacuum cleaner?
You have to turn them on before they start to suck.
Question: Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road?
Answer: Because there was a...
I don't usually like to tell 9/11 jokes for two reasons: they're morally wrong, and they tend to crash and burn.
/setblock minecraft_morbid_joke
/playsound pained_laugh