Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place, but Chuck Norris does.
What do Doges Like? Memes.
My memes are ironic, but my depression is chronic.
What do you call a bad 'egg' meme?
Deep fried
Chuck Norris once stepped on a Lego.
The Lego broke in half.
I guess you could say Stephen Hawking is a dead meme.
Once upon a time... Chuck Norris stepped on a Lego. R.I.P. the Lego piece.
What's better then a meme a really good vines
What's a skeleton's favorite meme? Ken Bone
Chuck Norris has a bear rug in his living room. It's not dead or anything, it's just too scared to move.
Death once had a near Chuck Norris experience...
Chuck does not cut butter with a knife, he cuts a knife with butter.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Daisy. Daisy who? Daisy me rollin', they hatin'!
Chuck Norris doesn't dial the wrong number. You answered the wrong telephone.
Chuck Norris threw one Pokéball and caught 'em all.
Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed 20 people, then it exploded.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.