
Make Jokes

Why did God steal a rib from Adam and make a woman out of it? God wanted to show that nothing sensible can come of stealing!

Teacher:"What is the opposite of the following sentence: 'Children in the dark make mistakes'?" Student:"Mistakes in the dark make children"

True story in 1986in the midst of the HIV epidemic they made condoms.available to the public at that time me and my boyfriend were 13 years old my boyfriend was so happy these will make great water balloons and I was even happier I did not have to pack.a.lunch for school tomorrow lol

guy1:hey can you stop making 9 11 jokes my dad died during it guy2:sorry i will stop what was your dad guy1:the pilot he saw a kfc and wanted it so well you know

More random keyboard words made into sentences:

This was a joke that was made by someone who had never been to the game before, but who was the first person to make it into a game of game with the intention of being able play the first person who played it.

My sis told me that onions are the only food that can make you cry... . . . . . . So I threw a coconut at her...