
Longing Jokes

My Girlfriend asked "why is this test so long and hard?" I then said "you know what else is long and hard..." She was amazed!

Raju: How about you Sunil

Do you know?

Sanju: Sunil is my long distance

is a brother

Raju: Long brother?

Sanju : Yes, because I live in Ratnagiri and he


Stalin asked Hitler if he wants to hear a joke. Hitler says, “Yes.” Stalin then says, “Moscow.” Hitler replies with “I don’t get it?” Stalin laughs for a long time and says, “And you never will.”

What does it mean when there is a man in your bed, gasping for breath and saying your name?

It just means that you didn't hold the pillow down long enough.

Why does Johnny Sins cover his pants, but it doesn't work?

Because the long, hard thing can't chirp down

Tell it to ur parents and friends