Living Will Jokes

Little red riding hood has to deliver food to her gramma again. She can drive now because she is sixteen. One the way, she accidentally took the wrong way and got to a different forest where her gramma lives now. She found the wrong cottage that looked liked her gramma's home. When she opened the door, she found her younger and older sisters of ages 9, 11, 18, and 22. How old is Little red riding hood?


Im lonely but all i have is my Cheeseburger but what is the matter of liveing if you only have one thing... but a Cheeseburger is ALL YOU NEED CAUSE IT HAS 1000000000000 BUCKS MAN SO I CANT JUST TAKE IT AND SPEND IT WHERE EVERY I WANT.

What did one cheese say to the other cheese?

"Hello, it's a nice day, do you have any plans on what you're going to do?"... The other cheese was taken back by his politeness and friendliness, they agreed to meet again, and were soon married and lived happily ever after. Let this tale of the two cheeses inspire you to be a better person.

He: I am 60 and I have to slog 12 hours a day to make a living. Do u call it life?

She: I am 28 and still a virgin, do u call it life?

How to tell your kid is adopted? Hi daisy lets play a game called your adopted i will start your mum died so i had to adopt you but dont think i live you beacuse ypur where the only kid their haha

If a man travels 14 miles to buy a loaf of bread, how long will it take for him to realise that living in the countryside is shit?

Rape jokes aren’t funny!!! And definitely not something to joke abt, what’s wrong with ppl, like seriously what a world we live in. This I sick!

I really want to beat the living daylights out of you, but it's not worth getting the wooden spoon for garbage.

Little Johnny was sitting in class, and he was behind a girl called Sally. The teacher asks the class, "Who created the Earth?" And Little Johnny pokes Sally in the back with his sharpened pencil, and she jumps and says, "MY GOD!" And the teacher says, "Yes, Sally, God did create the Earth." Sally sits down.

Then, the teacher asks, "Where do you go after you live a good life?" and Little Johnny pokes Sally again, and she jumps up and says, "HEAVENS TO BETSY!" And the teacher says, "Yes Sally. You will go to heaven after you live a good life." Sally sits down, knowing full well Little Johnny was poking her. Sally gave Little Johnny an angry glare, and she turns around.

And then, the teacher asks the class, "What did Eve say to Adam after their 77th child?" and Little Johnny pokes Sally HARDER this time in the back, and Sally jumps, turns around and says, "If you stick that thing in me one more time, I swear I'm gonna lose it!" And the teacher faints.