Knock knock

Knock-Knock Jokes

I have a friend who has no arms, her name is Suzy. I always tell her this one knock knock joke, "Knock Knock!" "Who's there!" Not Suzy.


Ok so my brother mad this here it is

Knock knock. Who's there? Chicken. Chicken who? Chicken garbage!

Ok I know it makes no sense but he made it when he was like 3.

today I told my Sis knock knock and she said who’s there and I said I Eat eat my mop and she said I eat mop poo instead of who

Mom: can I tell you a joke Kid: sure Mom: Knock Knock Kid: Who there Mom: Not yo Kid: Not Yo Who Mom: Not Yo Father Kid: Not Yo Husband Either

Why’d the girl fall of the swing.

Cause she had no arms

Knock knock!! Who’s there?

Not the girl