Is Not

Is Not Jokes

In the new Justice League movie, Flash can break glass by touching it, why is that?

Because Flash is not supported on Windows.

What do you call a gay man that is not physically handicapped that performs blowjobs on gay men that are physically handicapped?


My name is Mariah Carly Brown and I am an orphan and what do I say about your jokes that are not funny ... STOP THEM !!!!! Dark hummor is mean! All day I go to see all the jokes I find and I see "Orphan jokes". What kind of sick person likes that kind of joke? By the way it is not a question. I have 3 twin sisters! Lariah. Kariah, and Iariah! Iariah starts with an i! So stop the jokes please!

What is not the definition of prostitution a dumb blonde πŸ™ƒ that got πŸ’΅ money for πŸ‘Ά 🍼 🀱 baby sitting does it 🚲 cycle now?

What do you call a born-again heteroflexible male that is a Christian nationalist who thinks he is bisexual when the LGBT community knows that he is bicurious and that he is on steroids and that the LGBT community knows that he is not telling the truth about that? He is a gay man that is in the closet. He should be forced out of the closet by gay men in the LGBT community by any means necessary if gay men in the LGBT community still want to defend the wall of separation of church and state by any means necessary.

Hi gwen how is life!

A.Bad, lame, and suckish

B. Good, awesome and you are loved!

C. Perfect!

I'm guessing that your life is NOT B nor C! Man your such an asshole!

this is not a joke its a warning!

you guys are stupid I am an ophan and you better stop doing these btw if you are an ophan put it in the comments and say that it's not funny!

Brendon just shut up no one was talking too you one the fucking joke! And my sis is not a female dog if she was then how the hell would she spell!

Gwen, this needs to stop, so please, this is not a dating website, go on Tinder or something, just not here. Hate me if it makes you feel better, but this is sickening!

Orphan jokes protest Anonymous Orphan jokes are just funny so stop trying to ruin our fun!


Gwen: Stop! It is not funny. Orphans are just out their cold, weak, and need someone! And the jokes are not funny!

Shut up: Shut up!

Liv: Gwen stop!!

Gwen: SHUT UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!

Comments of Gwen in her bra!

Jordan Jadoke: Wow such a good looking kid!

Heo: Dude stop! Who the hell got this!

prince/mr tallie: Hey stop!

YOU: Sexy sexy sexxy! How much does she cost!


Fuck u Kenya: SHUT UP!

Big Ideas: Do u think I hav a chance with her? Cause if then SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kariah: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hot: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Fring: I want to take u home all to my self!

Dear Gwen and Prince. Gwen and Prince sorry for being mean and cussing and other messed up nonsense. To be honest I really just wanted to be ur friends all both of u! Btw prince, Gwen is not dating Aiden...I don't even know who aiden is! Sorry a milion times Zreina.

Why is death taken so lightly??? It's terrible how people use it! (This is NOT a joke!)

Hi guys I'm back and YES two jokes/blogs in one day. I KNOW. I just have nothing to do!!! So today I'm going to tell you how to get what you want from your parents!!! And there will be a joke at the end too. Enjoy! So The prank that I have for you guys today is, make sure you have glue, die, and a toothbrush that is not your's >:) So you are going to put the die in the glue and then put the glue on the toothbrush and give it to your sibling and say "here. I got your toothbrush ready for you" Then, make sure they take it. Once they take it, run so that they can not hit you once they taste it. Thanks for reading this prank today guys!!! I hope it works out for you and I can't wait to hear what happens with you guys in the comments below so make sure to comment and tell me what happened when you pulled this prank!! Sorry Prankster if this is offensive to you since you do pranks too. I will not do them anymore if you don't want me to :) Thanks for reading guys and here is that joke I told you about :)

Yo mama is so fat when she got in the car the wheels popped. So I know this was not the best joke and I can do better, but I will keep trying and see you guys next time! Bye!!! :)

What is a kind thing to say to someone and what is a rude thing to say to someone?

Kind thing to say to someone: You are the most perfect you there is. Your outlook on life is amaz- (BLAH, BLAH, BLAH ENOUGH!)

Rudist thing to say too someone: You more uglyer than my mama's boyfriend. You are a son of a b word! Okay that is so much rude and why you can say that to a tree but anyway not the point. Bonus: The world's most weirdest name to say to a girl, is Nutter butter, we know that's a weird *and* stupid name because she is not nutter or butter she is a person not a thing! Oh well bye!!!!