Prince might be with a new girl, but he still wants Gwen, who doesn't? Other half.
Gwen on the phone with Prince: Prince, stop sending me letters, poems, and memes through Gmail. We broke up, it's over!
Prince on the phone with Gwen: I know, but that new girl that I been seeing is not you! I miss you a lot! Please come back to me.
Gwen on the phone with Prince: I'm gonna hang up now!
Prince on the phone with Gwen: PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gwen on the phone with Prince: Sorry, I can't hear're breaking up...what?!
Prince on the phone with Gwen: Gwen! DO NOT HANG UP !!!!!!!!
Gwen on the phone with Prince: Okay...bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny! But whos prince and gwen?
Kenya Bailey
Gwen the nice good soul that was made by god and prince is the demond who came from the devil!
Yep we can tell that gwen was made by god! ;)
Maya Clarkson.
Yep! Although I don't beileve in him but my mom does I just sometimes go to her level!
I believe in pressure maya!
Maya Clarkson.
its ok
@Kina, Prince and Gwen are the Annoying, overly opinionated couple of the chat, going around harassing those who pertain to themselves, virtue signaling to the highest, lacking in humor, riddled with Politically Correct Beliefs.