How did Steven Hawkins die? He lost internet connection
What Runs Faster Than Stephen Hawking In His Wheel Chair. His Internet
Stephen Hawking didn't die, he just uploaded himself to the 'net...
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Hey, you wanna hear something funny
AN atom makes up everything. Half of this site contains this joke. Dont trust the internet kids.
Why didn't the Japanese guy get a high five?
Logan Paul left him hanging
What kind of knight puts dumb jokes on the internet?
I don’t know what’s worse: Finding bucket loads of porn on my dad’s laptop, or finding out he was in all of them.
This page is fucking shocking. What's wrong with you people?
Why are birds good at social media? Because they 'tweet' all the time!!!?
what does Ethiopian people have better than Australians? internet.
It took Jesus 3 days to respond
Worst lag ever
Q: What did I find on my son's search history. A:Where is the nearest gun shop.
Wanna hear a joke
this site
The morbid jokes on this site
Yo mama so fat, she doesn't need internet, because she's already WORLDWIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psyonix's OCE servers
The reason why the "eating a tide pod" trend ended so fast is because everyone that did it died.
I made a website for orphans. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a homepage.