
High Jokes

High school crush: why do you always look so sad? Me: my mom is dead and my favorite grandma and my uncle killed both of them and now he's in jail. High school crush: shit. Sorry about that. Me: and my crush hasent asked me out. High school crush: who is it Me: you Him: goodbye (as he runs away and never comes back) Me: fuck that

Kid sees their grandma taking pills and asks... "Grandma, why do you need to take all those pills?"

"Well, Grandma needs to take the green medicine for her headaches, but the green pills give her diarrhea. So grandma needs to take the yellow pills for diarrhea but those pills always make grandma very depressed. Because of her depression, grandma needs to take the black pills, but those always give her high blood pressure. To cure the high blood pressure, grandma has to take the red pills, but those make her always very horny. That's why grandpa has to take the blue pills."

You know your high when you hold all your pineapples hostage and yell 'SpongeBob i know your in there!'

Vegan teacher the musical Miss Kadie - oh no you poor dead animal Mr. Beast- šŸŽ¶ your a dumb Communist Miss KadiešŸŽ¶ Chandler-šŸŽµ yup your one high fluting son of a gunšŸŽµ Mr. Beast- šŸŽµ I just gobbled up a quadruple patty from my restaurantšŸŽµ Miss Kadie - šŸŽµ donā€™t hurt animals kids, do you want to be a vegans R us kidšŸŽµ kids- šŸŽµ weā€™ve had enough of your problems miss Kadie your such a commie Miss Kadie - šŸŽµ I just want to die because Iā€™m so sad - Miss Kadie jumps off Mr. Beast Burger and comits sucide

I don't see why women are complaining about the glass ceiling, I mean if they reach high enough they can clean it...

My sister is the weired dark one and emo of the family im the bright happy one once in 3rd grade i got a huge A on mine and my sis got a D- In the playground Near a tree we were siting and playing i said "hey a C- is not that bad and raised my hand up to give her a high five but she left me hanging

A anti-bullying PSA and speeding PSA from the same creator meet one another. The death toll went sky high.