What happens when Helen Keller picks her nose?
She slurs her words...
I wrote this joke in the 1970s sometime in Denver, Co CAL - 2021 - Orlando, Fl
Q-How did Hellen Keller break her wrist?
A-Reading road signs
I love you papi’s😫 no homo
Why couldn't Helen Keller eat her Big Mac?
She was too busy trying to read the sesame seeds.
Why did hellen hate when her dad yelled at her.
Oh wait she didn’t know🤣🤣
Hellen Keller can use hodled's words because they are so bad.
Hellen Keller more like hell n killer
What did Helen Keller say when she jumped off a bridge, "(sign language)"
Have you ever seen Helen Keller's dog? Neither has she.
How did Helen Keller get punished? Her parents gave her a bomb and told her to eat it.
have you seen the inside of helen kellers houses she has
Why did Helen Keller have no ornaments on her Christmas tree? Cause she always dropped them.