Why couldn't the surfer hang 10? Because he forgot his feats
A man is about to be hanged. His executioner asks for his last words. The man says: “Man, it’s hard to think of something when your life is on the line.”
why do trees always gotta leave me hanging
When a emo ask you to hang * out under a treee 🖕🖕🖕🖕
There are three people on the steps of Heaven. God tells them all he is having a good day and if they make him laugh by telling him how they died he will let them in. The first one said I just finished a long day of work and I get home and right as I stepped in I knew my wife was cheating on me. I searched everywhere and I couldn’t find anybody so I got a drink and went to the balcony and then I saw him, hanging off the ledge of the balcony. I kicked his hands but he wouldn’t fall so I threw a Refrigerator at him and I fell with the Refrigerator. God busted out laughing and let him in. The next person walked up and God told him the same thing he told the other person. God told him that he didn’t think that he could make him laugh more than the first person. The second guy said, so get this I’m a window washer on the 8th floor I’m washing the windows like normal and this enraged psychopath walks up and starts kicking my hands and then he throws a refrigerator at me and I die. God bursts out laughing so much to where he falls off his chair and he lets the guy through. The next guy comes up and God tells him the same thing he told the last two people and he tells him that there is no way that he can make him laugh more than the other two did. So he starts talking. So get this I’m in a refrigerator...
why do emos have friends? so they can hang with eachother
What hit the ground first, a feather or the emo kid. The feather, because the emo kid was left hanging.
An orphan, an emo, and an apple are on a tree. The apples get picked unlike the orphan, while the emo kid is already dead from hanging.
Bro I love hanging out with white people, its either we play Yahtzee Or We Playin Nazi
Emo kids are so good at kicking football I hear they have good hang time
So there was this kid and he went to a store and said to a person there "I'm emo." Then the person told the emo "Why the hell are you here, shouldn't you be hanging in a tree somewhere."
the emo kid went for a high five people say he's still hanging
Q: What happens when emo's make out?
A: They don't they just hang out
Q: What did the kid say to the emo kid? A: Don't leave me hanging
What does an emo do on Halloween? They hang like a decoration.
why did ur emo mom get u? to have someone to hang out with.
A boy tried to give a tree a high-five but instead, he ended up hanging
Why can’t the emo play in trees? They’ll leave ‘‘em hanging.
I don’t see why people say that emo kid doesn’t like to hangout I seen them hanging all day.
dammit i hanged off their nose off