Your forehead is a 20-mile taxi ride from your eyebrows to your hairline.
Your hairline
I heard an Uber from your eyebrows to your hairline is like $40.
your hairline is so far back that is goes all the way across the globe.
This boy said get get yo hairline straight I said girls don't have a hairline how about you go to the barber shop and let your barber do your hair 10 times worst then he did the first time.
girls with the name zoe have big forhead .
I see that you start work at 9am. .but yo hairline starts at 9:15am.
two hats are next to eachother, one hat says to the other ''stay here, ill go on a head"
seon hairline receedes faster than my grades
borthwicks hairline
Me and my receding hairline? Believe me, we go way back
Your hairline looks like the McDonalds logo
Your hairline and my grandpa go way back.
Your do annoying like your fucked up hairline
Your Gay
Why are priests called father? Because it's too suspicious to call them daddy.
Sajan's Hairline
your mum