What's green and has a thousand nipples?
A garbage bag in the alley behind a breast cancer clinic.
Three guys are standing in an alley on an alien planet, and the psycho one says, "However many tits your girl has is how many balls you have!"
The first guy says, "Ha! My girlfriend has six! I'm racked up!" The second guy said, "Eh, I am happy with two balls." The third guy said, "Shit! My girlfriend is flat as fuck!"
A guy listening in enters and says, "Bro, you actually have girlfriends. I do not. Does that mean I have a pussy?"
Donald trump has been banned from panera
What do you call it when Panera Bread has bread?
Panera Bread.
Little Sally found out that she had hair on her private area and went up to her mom and asked "mom I have hair on my privates, what is it?" "OH, honey that's your monkey." The mom says So little Sally runs up to her big sister and says "my monkey has hair on it" the sister replies with a laugh "you think that's cool my monkey is already eating bananas
who has no home? orphans
Why did Joe Biden visit Hiroshima? Because the city has the hottest prepubescent girls in the world.
Did you know the Alabama Crimson Tide University has the most handicapped people? You know their motto, "Roll Tide."
Q: What do you do when an epileptic has a seizure in the bathtub?
A: Throw in some laundry.
Whats the difference between the leaning tower of piza and the twin towers The leaning tower of piza has better reflexes
What is the difference between an orphan and a Phone? A phone has a home button.
What is Deez + nuts= deez nuts ha
Whoever has my voodoo doll, can you just finish me off already?