Fuck off

Fuck Off Jokes

A man goes to the library to find the best book about committing suicide. So when he asks the librarian, "What's the best book on committing suicide?" The librarian said, "Oh fuck off...you won't bring it back anyway."


I parked in a disabled space today...

...and a traffic warden shouted to me, “Oi, what's your disability?” I said “Tourettes! Now fuck off!”

Can’t believe how ungrateful my dwarf next door neighbor is. I saw him waiting at the bus stop earlier today and offered to give him a lift, but he told me to “fuck off”. In the end I decided to just close my rucksack and walk away.

Quoting the great Jimmy Carr: "when i cook i make sure there are vegetarian options. They can make do, or they can fuck off."

Im 43 and my date is 19. A man rudely comes up to our table and calls me a pedofile. I told him to fuck off this is our 10th anniversary

3 year old boy: 1... 2...uh....? humm.. Older brother: Ooh I know! 1,2,3 get the fuck off my apple tree!

bro my friend is always using zodiacs as an excuse. The other day he said he couldnt hang out with me because of cancer. I told him to fuck off. Then I realized why he was mad after that...

i bet ur a child molester who got out of jail & is now sexualing harrassing kids such as addison! Will fuck off and get a life, btw ur rost r not fuckin funny there bullshit like ur face and ur hairline.

Sorry I don't have a joke here... Just wondering how idiots end up herecomplaining about offensive jokes when you ended up here. You had to click that section on purpose, right? If you can't take it piss the fuck off... If I'd be gay and I'd look up gay jokes and get offended...how stupid is that?

symple: y did u include me in this fuckery? symple: and y the fuck am i the profile picture? angela: because u r the thot of the group. symple: well it takes one to know one. symple: arnt Thot jokes just ̈whore ́able ̈? angela: FUCK OFF!

Jorden Calerendiá. i bet ur a child molester who got out of jail & is not sexualing harrassing kids such as addison! Will fuck off and get a life, btw ur rost r not fuckin funny there bullshit like ur face and ur hairline.

Me and my friends were having a party the other day when some bitch came bitching about the noise. Thankfully she was hot and had a nice ass so it was enjoyable raping her. The next day when i woke up I found her body only half eaten, her lower body was still intact so I went for seconds to fuck off the hangover. Then I had breakfast, her ass tasted good with some ketchup.