
Fortnite Jokes

dont treat her like a gold pump when shes treating you like a grey pistol, put down a launch pad and rotate đź’Ż

why humans hate aliens because fortnite took them out of the game and i want aliens back in fortnte

Okay, 19 dollar Fortnite card. Who wants it? And yes, I’m giving it away. Remember: Share, share, share! And trolls: Don’t get BLOCKED!

Inmate 1: why u in prison then? Inmate 2: I killed 4 people and robbed someone, watta bout u? Inmate 1: I blew up a school bus Inmate 2:OMG YOU DEMON WERE THEY AUTISTIC? Inmate 1: no they were fortnite kids Inmate 2(who is Muslim): halelouia we have found the messiah