what was the Fortnite kids last words, I didn't know pumps are back in the game
Donald trump, "I play fortnite just to build walls"
dont treat her like a gold pump when shes treating you like a grey pistol, put down a launch pad and rotate đź’Ż
Like and commet if you play fortnite
how are fortnite cards and orphans similar: theyre given away
I like fortnite
My girlfriend called me a bot in fortnite, so I called her sandwich maker 3000
What does fortnite and real life have in common?
They both lost their tower
I would try to make a Fortnite joke, but i can't seem to build on it.
why humans hate aliens because fortnite took them out of the game and i want aliens back in fortnte
im pickle rick from fortnite hahahahahaha
anyone up for some fortnite?
Ur hairline is like a fortnite map at the start of a new season waiting to be identified
Chrome turns you into chrome but there is a chrome back bling and it does nothing to you
Jesus was the one who created the t pose. not fortnite
Okay, 19 dollar Fortnite card. Who wants it? And yes, I’m giving it away. Remember: Share, share, share! And trolls: Don’t get BLOCKED!
Me and my friend were cranking 90s in fortnite then our other friend joined started flying a plane we died like all the people in 911
Inmate 1: why u in prison then? Inmate 2: I killed 4 people and robbed someone, watta bout u? Inmate 1: I blew up a school bus Inmate 2:OMG YOU DEMON WERE THEY AUTISTIC? Inmate 1: no they were fortnite kids Inmate 2(who is Muslim): halelouia we have found the messiah