I would try to make a Fortnite joke, but i can't seem to build on it.
Want To Hear A Joke?
only fortnite players will get it. where do you get salt water? salty springs
Did y’all hear about the increasing divorce rate because people are addicted to Fortnite? They’re just two week to quit.
Tonight Im Making A Fort, Im Calling It Fortnite
I have two eyes and am afraid of sex? A fortnite player
What do u call a man who plays Fortnite 24/7 A: a virgin
I wonder if would have rekt Hitler in a 1v1 build battle in fortnite
Tushar’s fortnite skills
whats the difference between fortnite and pubg
yo mama so blind that when she played fortnite she got she got her vision back got em
Tilted Towers is gone.
he might have been a fortnite player respect him