Why can't a orphan play baseball
He can't find home
MU i love your joke but i cut me a piece of cake, pie, steak, cheeze cake, and any thing else i can find.
69% of people find something dirty in every sentence.
why couldn't the blonde dial 911? She couldn't find the 11
tj so far back you still couldn't find it when the deval was alive
Yo momma so fat that it was hard to find the G spot and slip her one at night
True story: my math teacher mr.ueberoth accidently marked a kahoot as 100 points in googleclass room instead of 10 if he doesnt find out the grades will be more hyper inflated than zimbobwa’s economy.
Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they can’t find home base.
i went took out he trash could not find you so i went back in the next they i found you
i couldn't find my cat. and then my pillow started meowing.
why did the baby cow cross the road to find it's mom who has the milk
why cant ophans play base ball ..............................because the cant find home