What do you call a depressed emo? Dead.
Why do emos cut themselves?
To play noughts and crosses
I was going to tell a joke about emos in the sea but it’s dead in the water
what happens when a emo kid loses a kahoot he gets a 25 kill streak
Not all self harmers are emo but all emos self harm.
What did the Emo say to the surgeon ? "cut me please"
What's the best part about having emo grass?
It cuts itself!
I'm starting to wish my grass was emo.
So it would cut itself.
I can’t hang out with an emo when they are sad? Why? Because it cuts deeply.
An apple and an emo kid fall off a tree at the same time. Who hits the ground first?
The apple, because the emo kid got caught by the rope.
Why are priests called father? Because it's too suspicious to call them daddy.
When the emo kid hangs himself and the autistic kid thinks that it's a piñata... BATTER UP TO THE PLATE!
Why do emos like circles? Because they can hang out with them.
How do you get an emo out of a tree?
Cut the rope.
your mom