Two atom soldiers are fighting against an army. One gets shot. He cried out, "I'm hit! I think I've lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?" asks the other.
"I'm positive!"
Two atom soldiers are fighting against an army. One gets shot. He cried out, "I'm hit! I think I've lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?" asks the other.
"I'm positive!"
what do u call security outside a samsung store guardians of the galaxy
Why cant orphins have an iphone , Cause they can't find the home button
Where do you take Stephen Hawking when he dies?
The Apple repair store.
I walked out of the electronic store and saw a midget carrying a big screen TV all by himself. He looked like he needed a hand, so I offered to help.
He said, "This is not a big screen TV, it's a Kindle!!"
Stephen only died because his wife tripped over the power cord.
My mom told me to unplug all the electronics, so I unplugged my grandma's life support.
What does a blind man crying and an unplugged TV have in common?
Nothing can be seen when they get turned on.
Do you know why an atom is positive? He kept his electrons.
Stephen Hawking robbed the Apple store looking for a charger.