
Education Jokes

Teacher: Everyone, tomorrow is bring your mom to school day.

Me: Sorry but my mom's not gonna make it.

Teacher: Why?

Me: I'm an orphan, bitch.

When you get home and see your parents with your grades in their hands.

Twenty minutes later, they're slapping you with the belt.

Teacher: Can someone tell me the only living thing that can reproduce without sex?

Little Johnny: "Your wife."

How does a well-educated graduate approach a delicate situation?

I don't know, how does a well-graduated education approach a what?

With a degree!

Me: Knock, knock.

Teacher: Who is there?

Me: Boo.

Teacher: Boo who?

Me: Stop being a crybaby and open the door!

Teacher: ......

Me: Aw man, detention again.

I was at my lecture at Oxford. Professor Albert Pessistein was leading the lecture, teaching us new equations. I asked where I can find a drink, due to my dying of thirst. He said, “big games my friend.”

He then proceeded to teach us, “The greater the Big games, the higher the Bottling!”

Teacher: "Hey, James, this is the third time I asked you a question!"

James: "But you told me not to answer you back!"

In my science class we were watching a video, and for no reason at all, it started talking about Black Lives Matter, and my friend leaned over and whispered, “White lives matter more!”

The average person in 2023 is less straight than the lines my 5th-grade P.E. teacher walked in college.