what did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob.... if we dont get some support soon people will start to think we are balls.
what did the orphan say to its parents? hey mom and dad oh wait ur not my parents i dont have nun will u adopt me pls they people:no
What do orphans and fathers have in common? They both don't have families to go to.
when people say they get ho's: you dont get no ho's the only ho's you get is in yo draws
I told a furry, "Don't call yourself a joke!" I said to the furry, "Joke has meanings."
Don't treat her like a gold pump when she's treating you like a gray pistol. Put down a launch pad and rotate.
kid:your mom
orphan:i dont have a mom
9/11 jokes just dont fly around me
Fat bully. That was just the starter, now do you want the main course?
Me: I don't think I want that because you already ate it.
When you ask your brother where his hairline is, and he points where it's supposed to be, and you say, "I don't see one there."
Why can play baseball cause they dont where home is
Why do the orphans fuck in their cars?
Because they don't know what a home is.
This joke is so bad I don't even know what I wrote at this point.
I don't see why people these days choose their gender. There's only two, it's Nerf or nothing! (I'm just joking, I honestly don't care.)
Roses are red, violets are blue, I don't wanna say this, but nobody cares about you.
There was an orphan once, and someone knocks on his door and said, "Hello, son, come and hug me." But the orphan says, "Excuse me, who are you?" and the guy says, "You don't remember me? I'm your dad." And then the orphan says, "Fine then, if you're really my dad, come inside and let me ask you some questions." And the man says, "OK then, but I am really your dad." Then the orphan asked some questions to the man, and the man gets some of them right, so the orphan believes that the man is his dad. And then the orphan says, "You really are my dad?" and then he shows his dad his house, and the orphan has a roommate, and the dad and the orphan finally get to the bedroom, and then the dad knocks out the orphan, and then the dad starts to have something with the orphan/son, and the roommate hears weird noises in the orphan's/son's room, and he walks in and sees them having sex, and the roommate records it but then kicks the dad out of the house, and then the roommate shares the video to the orphan's school chat, and then the next day the dad gets arrested because he was actually a gay nonce, and everybody at the orphan's school calls him gay, but he really isn't, but since he was mad and disgusted, he pulled an AK47 out of his bag and kills everybody in the school and was never seen again.
Btw this is a joke so don't take it seriously.
This is why they dont want to sell the double manhattan in pubs anymore
Why do most orphans cook for themselves?
They don't have a home cook.
What is the difference between a dead body and a Lamborghini?
I don't have a Lamborghini in my garage.
I don't think I could ever become a beggar. I really don't like change.