Anyone who says they don't like cats has never had one cooked right...
Why dont stags by drugs? Because they are too deer.
why cant orphans play baseball
they dont know were home is
A Pedo is driving down a highway really slowly and gets stopped by the police. The officer asks why he was driving so slowly the man answers I dont wake up the kids.
What the difference between cats and dogs? They dont have one both taste good
me - i fucked your mom orphan - i dont have a mom so u fucked the air
my life get it cause i dont got one
I have no puns because I don't play soccer.
fun fact if your an orphan you probably dont know your parent
Why do guys hold their ball sack when they run?
Because they don't have titties.
Don't touch my bot.
My mom said that I don't listen to homophones, but then I said, "No, I listen to headphones."
puerto Rican teen: I'm a waste a failure, NUNCA LO PODRA ASER (ill never be able to do it) the mother: AI NINO ( OH CHILD ) the teen: QUE? ( WHAT?) the mother: NO TE PONGA CON ESTA MIELDA OTRAVES! ( DONT START WITH THIS SHIT AGAIN) the teen: I CANT DO SHIT RIGHT MAMA the mother: OOOHHH YEAH WELL TU SI PUEDES ABLAR MIELDA DE TI, I BOTAR BASURA! (YOU SURE CAN TALK CRAP ABOUT YOURSELF AND THROW OUT THE TRASH) the teen: QUAL ( WIHCH) the mother: MADRE DE DIOS (MOTHER OF GOD) the teen: AVIA UNA NEGRA I OTRA BLANKA ( THERE WAS A BLACK ONE AND WHITE ONE) *a phone buzzes* the teen: whose phone is that ma? unknown: MR PRESIDENT IF YOU TAKE AWAY THE CONFEDERATE FLAG HOW AM I SUPPOSED WHO THE BAD WHITE PEOPLE ARE * runs to bag opens white one and sticks hand in* the teen : HAIR GELL
Dont adopt People or else, ur parents are gonna say ur ACTUALLY adopted k thx no jokes anymore bye
Don't you hate it when you sit on your balls? It's a real nutcracker!
hippity hoppity dont abolish my property
What's the difference between a PC and a 6 year old? I don't have to clean out my PC.
Whats the difference between a black person and a white person
Black people dont shoot up schools
what job do you want if you dont want peoples two since
a catholic priest