i was listening to wap in my car with my four year old cousin and she asked why they dont fix the holes in the house then my fucking boyfriend what a hoe was
Don't make a person look a fool when you are the real one!
A husband walks into the bedroom door holding two aspirin and a glass of water.
His wife asked what that was for.
"It is for your headache."
"I don't have a headache."
He smiles. "Gotcha!!!!"
(wait, forgot about the 3rd third thing) i have said this countless times but it doesnt seem to be getting through to u; quit hating on particular jokes. U dont like it? Nobody cares. Dont go into the morbid jokes category u idiots ffs
what TV shows orphans dont like? family guy
Why can't orphans see all these jokes on this website that we're posting?
'Cause they don't know where the home page is.
"Gwen don't want break up! Please talk to me!"
Why don't Chinese kids celebrate Christmas?
Because they make the toys.
Don't worry if you think your life sucks. Just remember that people are arguing over the gender of a potato head.
me: *opens a bag of hot cheetos in class*- all my friends: hey bro can i have sum- people i dont know: Pleaze lemme have some PLEAZE i'll be your best friend- people i say no to: (⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)
knok knok whos there? boo boo who? Awww dont cry
Why don't churches have Wi-Fi?
They can't compete with an invisible force that actually works.
This is a joke to tell to someone with you or something. SOMEONE will laugh. Say: "This word isn't gonna be funny until I tell you, your probably not going to laugh." *your friend* "what's the word?" *you* "finger" *friend* *dies of laughter*. *note* it works better if you wiggle your finger or something before and not everyone laughs, so don't feel bad if they don't. Also, don't be surprised if you get put in jail for murder, because you're going to kill someone with this.
your moms so fat she dont need to be worldwide she alredy is
It's not that I don't get the laugh, but most of you need to read through what's already been posted, 'cause everybody's saying the same sh*t.
One day, I was walking down the street, and then I saw something really funny, and then I ran, and I saw a boomer, but I don't really know what I'm talking about, lol.
bully: im going to hurt you so bad You: well..your IQ is same amount of teeth im about to knock out so...your so dumb that you dont even know how to do that
and your IQ is 5
Hey, you person who's scrolling, please leave your HONEST opinion on life. Do you think "life sucks" or "eh, it's okay," etc.? It can be short; if you don't want to, then that's okay.
Your forehead is so huge, you don't have dreams, you have movies. Follow me on Instagram: _zer0x3.
Boyfreaind- let go to bed Girlfriend- no Boyfriend- why Girlfriend-because you want sex Boyfriend- no i dont NEXT MINUT The nan could hear banging