
Disabled Jokes

I decided to make to a charity bungee jump for the local disabled it's called spastics on elastics


Daughter: mommy what ever happened to Steven hawking? Mother: he died. Daughter: how did he die? Mother: he never got recharged.


You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, making fun of the disabled. After all they can't stand up for themselves


Pick up lines

One fish two fish three fish I’m breaking up with you bich Hey there little mister I’m dating your sister

The kid in the wheelchair was getting bullied so I encouraged him to stand up for himself idk why he started crying

I got fired my first day at the bank this old lady told me to check her balance so I pushed her over

I love when I could run throw the grass and feel the wind on my face. Then my mom told me to get off VR and then I wheeled myself to her